Our Story

Healthy Body. Healthy Mind. Healthy Spirit.

Yoga Chikitsa is a one woman owned small business in Richardson, Texas! Yoga Chikitsa started out many years ago as “Beach Mat Yoga” with only a few students in the corner of a Tae Kwon Do studio. It quickly outgrew the space, and we moved to our own spot in the same shopping center as a real studio. We’ve kept growing and have two more moves under our belt, landing us at our current beautiful Campbell Rd studio. Now with a thriving community and a talented team of instructors, Yoga Chikitsa is a safe haven for you to come exactly as you are and find a moment of peace in a chaotic world.

The words Yoga Chikitsa translate to “Yoga Therapy” or “Yoga Healing”. We believe yoga can be much more than just exercise and stretches… it can be a journey of self improvement that powerfully impacts not just our physical health but our also our emotional and spiritual well-being. We invite you to join our community and experience this journey for yourself through our many offerings.

What Our Students Have To Say About Us

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us through text or send a message using the contact form.

(214) 865-9642
Note: Text is best.

635 W Campbell Rd. Ste 232
Richardson, TX 75080